Big Yikes

I guess it’s come to this? I by no means am a “blogger” (although I kinda used to always want to be one to be honest…) I have been at such a standstill the last month and I feel like I have so much to say, but also have no words at the same time.


For those of you that don’t know what’s going on in regards to salons in most of California, I’m here to fill you in. We were allowed to be open for SIX WEEKS after the initial 3.5 month shut down. Within that time frame, we upheld excessive safety protocol and new procedures and standards. Clients and service providers wore masks the duration of the service, double booking was no longer permitted, temperatures taken for stylist and clients, screening forms, plexiglass, no extra people, no beverages, you name it, we did it.

After months of being out of work with no or little income, we spent thousands of dollars on PPE and altered the way we do business to make our spaces safe for guests.


Sounds crazy right? Yeah, because we are indoors, we had to close. But wait- it gets better! The state then turned around and said we could operate outdoors, sounds good right? At least we “get the option” to make it work… Wrong. WIth this new “option” they’ve given us, we are only permitted to do dry hair cuts outside, no chemical services, no shampooing, etc etc. Clients and stylist still required to wear masks, lots of other requirements as well (how many sides on your pop up tent allowed, how to handle vacuuming up hair, extension cords etc.) I know what you’re thinking, “But Zoie! Strip clubs are open, and THEY are indoors!!” or “But people can dine in public with no masks-if you have a mask on, what’s the problem?” Trust me, I get it, it makes no sense.


We were told we would get an update in three weeks so they could monitor the numbers, but here we are FOUR weeks later, with no updates; not even a mention of what to expect for a timeline. ***I’m finally getting to finish this blog and we are now passed four weeks with no answers. About a week or so we officially were off the watchlist in San Diego county for 3 days- which we thought was a good thing, but it wasn’t addressed by our governor until 2 days later, so 5 days passed with numbers below the watch count. Once it finally was addressed, we were told we have to remain closed for 14 days, for further monitoring.

I just really cant wrap my head around the fact that the last time we got the okay to open up it was literally like 36 hours in advance.

It feels like they’re making up the rules as they go.


I guess this all bothers me so much because we, as an industry, have been left in the dust, forgotten, ignored. It makes no sense to me how you can have 600,000 pissed off individuals literally begging to be able to work and that goes ignored. Usually the argument is that you can’t get people off unemployment and they’re milking the system. Yet here we are asking to work. Our industry has been criminalized; we have been forced to prohibition style operations or just straight up black market house calls and the ever hilarious “I know a guy” referrals.

In the grand scheme of things, I am fully aware that salons being closed is such a small problem compared to the ravaging fires engulfing basically all of California, Breonna Taylor’s murderers still not being arrested, our environment crumbling and our options for president are like bad and worse…But it is a problem that deserves attention and it is a very real issue. We are talking about people’s livelihoods here. We are rent paying, tax payers that abide by the rules and are held to such high standards when it comes to health and safety on a regular basis, all of which has completely been ignored.

It blows my mind that someone who doesn’t hold a license to do hair can operate in their garage or “at home salon” using over the counter products, advertising on FB marketplace doing kitchen haircuts can do as they please, but me, a dual licensed professional who’s held a license for almost 10 years would put my licenses and career in jeopardy while also facing CRIMINAL charges for doing so.


I honestly have no idea what the F*CK is going on and why a teenager can wear a cow suit and go promote a fast food chicken restaurant on the side of the road and be considered essential, but I can’t do my damn professional career in my place of business.


Stay rad, stay hydrated

Zoie Rose

BANG BANG! How to Rock Bold Bangs of All Shapes and Sizes|| Zoie Rose

Bangs, fringe….tomato, tom-ahto, you know? I’m pretty sure everyone has had a “fringe mishap” at some point in their life. (if you haven’t…wow, you’re just winning at life, honestly.)

One of my favorite things I hear when I suggest fringe to a client is “OMG I had bangs once and it was SO BAD!!!” And I ask to see a photo, or ask how long ago it was, and they tell me they were a child…well DUH it didn’t look the best?!


Don’t let your CHILDHOOD (probably done by your mom in the kitchen or yourself when nobody was looking, let’s be real) hairdo dictate your ADULT hair style choices. Cmon, I mean, your face shape is completely different, your style is different, and OH YEAH, you’re not 4 years old anymore!


Bangs can be sophisticated,


They can be sassy,


Or blunt,


They can also be funky,


They can be micro


They can be subtle


And they can be bold


All in all, fringe can add that look you might be seeking. Short, or long, blunt or piece-y, you might be able to find a look that fits you juuuust right. That is assuming you’ve got the right hairline for it ;) trust your stylist to give you the green light on that front.

(This is not your invitation to cut your OWN bangs, didn’t you learn that lesson 15 years ago?)

Have you ever rocked a bold, fringe? Comment, did you love it? Hate it? Let me know!

Stay hydrated, thanks for stoppin by,

Zoie Rose

Bob's Your Uncle? || Funky Bob Haircuts || Zoie Rose

Do you ever find yourself scrolling on Pinterest or Instagram and try to find some inspiration for cute haircuts?



I always like to look to keep up with what my clients might be seeing on the internet and man, I gotta say, a lot of what ya’ll are searching for looks the same! No shade to the other rad creators out there, but DANG! Us funky folks gotta have some rad hair to look at too, don’t you think?


I for one, love me a good bob with bangs. I’ll admit, a lot of my personal clients rock this look, and who knows, maybe all my stuff looks exactly the same to the outside person…*.awkward*


There is definitely something for everyone when it comes to haircuts. Whether you wash and go, or like to spend time styling your hair with all the tools and goop your heart desires, having the perfect haircut makes life that much easier.


I think the cool thing about haircuts is that everybody wears them so differently. Personal style really has a huge affect on what the cut looks like. I always am so stoked to see my haircuts “in the wild” when a client posts a selfie or I see them at the store.


If you’re not sure just which style you could rock, as your stylist what they think! Maybe they have an idea in their head for you that you aren’t even aware of! When in doubt, just go for it!

Try out different styles, maybe you’ll find your final form. Or even better, you’ll just be a chameleon and rock a bunch of different looks.

Either way, that sounds fun as hell to me.


If you’ve never had short hair, I highly recommend it at least once in your life! EVERYONE, yes I said everyone, can pull off short hair. You just have to find the right haircut for you! What’s the shortest you’ve ever had your hair? Do any of these haircuts look like something you would want to wear?

Let me know, take a minute to comment your thoughts on short hair, bangs, your favorite cut, your LEAST favorite cut. I wanna hear it!

I hope you have a solid day today. Enjoy the sunshine and stay hydrated.

Later dudes,

Zoie Rose

it's official

what’s up guys?!

so i guess it’s official, after multiple attempts and lots of frustration with months in between, i finally made it happen. building a brand is real shit, guys. so bare with me, as i make millions of changes and additions to my website, and future platforms to come.

in any case, to keep this first post short and sweet (not my strong suit) i want to know what YOU guys want.

this will be jumble of my life. hair, food, my dog travel whatever.

what do you want to see, videos? photos? tutorials? blogs, what?

you say the word, i got you.

if you’re a hairdresser and want education, if you’re a client or consumer and want more info geared towards that, let me know!

thanks for hanging out, don’t be a stranger!
