Bob's Your Uncle? || Funky Bob Haircuts || Zoie Rose

Do you ever find yourself scrolling on Pinterest or Instagram and try to find some inspiration for cute haircuts?



I always like to look to keep up with what my clients might be seeing on the internet and man, I gotta say, a lot of what ya’ll are searching for looks the same! No shade to the other rad creators out there, but DANG! Us funky folks gotta have some rad hair to look at too, don’t you think?


I for one, love me a good bob with bangs. I’ll admit, a lot of my personal clients rock this look, and who knows, maybe all my stuff looks exactly the same to the outside person…*.awkward*


There is definitely something for everyone when it comes to haircuts. Whether you wash and go, or like to spend time styling your hair with all the tools and goop your heart desires, having the perfect haircut makes life that much easier.


I think the cool thing about haircuts is that everybody wears them so differently. Personal style really has a huge affect on what the cut looks like. I always am so stoked to see my haircuts “in the wild” when a client posts a selfie or I see them at the store.


If you’re not sure just which style you could rock, as your stylist what they think! Maybe they have an idea in their head for you that you aren’t even aware of! When in doubt, just go for it!

Try out different styles, maybe you’ll find your final form. Or even better, you’ll just be a chameleon and rock a bunch of different looks.

Either way, that sounds fun as hell to me.


If you’ve never had short hair, I highly recommend it at least once in your life! EVERYONE, yes I said everyone, can pull off short hair. You just have to find the right haircut for you! What’s the shortest you’ve ever had your hair? Do any of these haircuts look like something you would want to wear?

Let me know, take a minute to comment your thoughts on short hair, bangs, your favorite cut, your LEAST favorite cut. I wanna hear it!

I hope you have a solid day today. Enjoy the sunshine and stay hydrated.

Later dudes,

Zoie Rose