BANG BANG! How to Rock Bold Bangs of All Shapes and Sizes|| Zoie Rose

Bangs, fringe….tomato, tom-ahto, you know? I’m pretty sure everyone has had a “fringe mishap” at some point in their life. (if you haven’t…wow, you’re just winning at life, honestly.)

One of my favorite things I hear when I suggest fringe to a client is “OMG I had bangs once and it was SO BAD!!!” And I ask to see a photo, or ask how long ago it was, and they tell me they were a child…well DUH it didn’t look the best?!


Don’t let your CHILDHOOD (probably done by your mom in the kitchen or yourself when nobody was looking, let’s be real) hairdo dictate your ADULT hair style choices. Cmon, I mean, your face shape is completely different, your style is different, and OH YEAH, you’re not 4 years old anymore!


Bangs can be sophisticated,


They can be sassy,


Or blunt,


They can also be funky,


They can be micro


They can be subtle


And they can be bold


All in all, fringe can add that look you might be seeking. Short, or long, blunt or piece-y, you might be able to find a look that fits you juuuust right. That is assuming you’ve got the right hairline for it ;) trust your stylist to give you the green light on that front.

(This is not your invitation to cut your OWN bangs, didn’t you learn that lesson 15 years ago?)

Have you ever rocked a bold, fringe? Comment, did you love it? Hate it? Let me know!

Stay hydrated, thanks for stoppin by,

Zoie Rose